§ 42-66.2-9 Annual report. (a) The director shall submit an annual report to the governor, the budgetofficer, the chairperson of the house finance committee, the chairperson of thesenate finance committee, and the chairperson of the board of pharmacy asestablished by § 5-19.1-4. The report shall contain the number ofconsumers eligible for the program, the number of consumers utilizing theprogram, the number of appeals, an outline of problems encountered in theadministration of the program and suggested solutions to the problems, and anyrecommendations to enhance the program.
(b) The contractor shall submit an annual report to thegovernor, the budget officer, the chairperson of the house finance committee,the chairperson of the senate finance committee, and the board of pharmacy asestablished by § 5-19.1-4. The report shall contain financial andutilization statistics as to drug use by therapeutic category, actuarialprojections, an outline of problems encountered in the administration of theprogram, and suggested solutions to the problems and any recommendations toenhance the program.
(c) [Deleted by P.L. 2008, ch. 100, art. 8, §2].