§ 42-66.6-2 Definitions. As used in this chapter:
(1) "Care management services" means the coordination of aplan of care and services provided at home or in the home of a responsibleadult to an eligible client. Care management should include, but is not limitedto, the following: a listing, whether provided by a for-profit ornot-for-profit agency of in-home services which are available to the client; alisting of available community services; a referral to other agencies forprogram services which the client is eligible; procurement of services for theclient by supervision of the contact and/or contract between the client and theprovider; and continued guidance, supervision and monitoring of the servicesprovided to and procured by the client.
(2) "Long-term care assessment" means a program that providesa uniform health, social and functional assessment of persons in need oflong-term care services due to chronic impairment or disability. The assessmentwill include providing information regarding appropriate community supportservices, including but not limited to, nutrition and transportation programs,home care and adult day care and residential placement alternatives includingresidential care/assisted living and nursing facilities.