§ 42-66.7-4 Long-term care ombudsperson. The department of elderly affairs shall establish the position(s) of long-termcare ombudsperson for the purpose of advocating on behalf of long-term carefacility residents and of receiving, investigating and resolving throughmediation, negotiation, and administrative action complaints filed by residentsof long-term care facilities, individuals acting on their behalf or anyindividual organization or government agency that has reason to believe that along-term care facility, organization or government agency has engaged inactivities, practices or omissions that constitute a violation of applicablestatutes or regulations or that may have an adverse effect upon the health,safety, welfare, rights or the quality of life of residents of long-term carefacilities. The department of elderly affairs may operate the office oflong-term care ombudsperson and carry out the program, directly or by contractor other arrangement with any public agency or non-profit organization.