§ 42-66.7-5 Powers and duties. The long-term care ombudsperson shall:
(1) Identify, investigate, and resolve complaints that: (a)are made by, or on behalf of, residents; and (b) relate to action, inaction, ordecisions, that may adversely effect the health, safety, welfare, or rights ofthe residents (including the welfare and rights of the residents with respectto the appointment and activities of guardians and representative payees) andhealth care and financial powers of attorney;
(2) Receive all reports of incidents reportable to thedepartment of health within twenty-four (24) hours, or by the next business dayof the occurrence, in cases of resident abuse, neglect, exploitation, theft,sexual abuse, accidents involving fires, elopement and patient to patientabuses;
(3) Receive all reports of thirty (30) day notices ofresident discharge from long-term care facilities;
(4) Provide referral services to assist residents inprotecting their health, safety, welfare and rights;
(5) Inform residents of their rights and advocate on theirbehalf to improve their quality of life and live with dignity and respect;
(6) Formulate policies and procedures to identify,investigate, and resolve complaints;
(7) Make appropriate referrals of investigations to otherstate agencies, including, but not limited to, the departments of health, humanservices and attorney general;
(8) Offer assistance and training to public and privateorganizations on long-term care of elders and persons with disabilities;
(9) Represent the interests of residents of facilities beforegovernment agencies and seek administrative, legal, and other remedies toprotect the health, safety, welfare, and rights of the residents including, butnot limited to, rights with respect to the appointment or removal of guardiansand representative payees powers of attorney;
(10) Review and, if necessary, comment on any existing andproposed laws, regulations, and other government policies and actions, thatpertain to the rights and well-being of residents of facilities.