§ 42-66.8-1 Legislative findings. It is found and declared as follows:
(1) Rhode Island has one of the highest proportions ofelderly persons in the nation. Persons age eighty-five (85) years old and overare the fastest growing segment of the state's population.
(2) A significant number of Rhode Island elderly havedifficulty carrying out basic life activities, and many are at high risk forinstitutionalization due to chronic illness and disability.
(3) There is a growing consumer preference for more housingand care alternatives designed specifically for persons who need assistancewith basic life activities, but do not need the level of skilled nursing careand therapy that nursing homes provide.
(4) There exists a lack of private sector initiatives tocreate assisted living options which are affordable to low and moderate incomefrail elderly and other frail persons.
(5) It is imperative for state government and long-termhealth providers to develop cost effective means of caring for at-risk elderly,and in particular those low and moderate income frail elderly whose needs areappropriate for assisted living placement but who cannot afford the costs ofmarket rate, private pay assisted living facilities.
(6) An alternative form of housing and care must be developedin Rhode Island for low and moderate income frail elderly and other frailpersons to enable them to live in a residential setting as independently aspossible while achieving cost savings in the state Medicaid program.
(7) An assisted living demonstration program, sponsored bythe state through the collaboration and cooperation of the Rhode Island housingand mortgage finance corporation, the department of elderly affairs, and thedepartment of human services, will allow the state to provide appropriatehousing and care needed by frail elderly and other frail persons in RhodeIsland and to evaluate the cost savings and other benefits of assisted living.