§ 42-66.8-3 Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) An "assisted living facility" means a publicly orprivately operated residential development (including a designated wing orsection of that development) certified and financed by the Rhode Island housingand mortgage finance corporation that provides lodging, meals and assistedliving supportive services to two (2) or more adults and which is licensed bythe state pursuant to chapter 17.4 of title 23; excluding, however, thosefacilities licensed by or under the jurisdiction of the department of mentalhealth, retardation and hospitals, the department of children, youth andfamilies, or any other state agency.
(2) "Assisted living rules and regulations and guidelines"means the rules and regulations of the Rhode Island housing and mortgagefinance corporation applicable to the rental housing production andrehabilitation program, as those rules and regulations may be amended from timeto time, and the resources and guidelines for assisted living developmentsadopted by the board of commissioners of the Rhode Island housing and mortgagefinance corporation, as those guidelines may be amended from time to time.
(3) "Assisted living supportive services" means: Personalcare and services, homemaker, chore, attendant care, companion services,medication oversight (to the extent permitted under state law), therapeuticsocial and recreational programming, provided in a home-like environment in alicensed assisted living facility, in conjunction with residing in thefacility. This service includes twenty-four (24) hour on-site response staff tomeet scheduled or unpredictable needs in a way that promotes maximum dignityand independence, and to provide supervision, safety and security. Otherindividuals or agencies may also furnish care directly, or under arrangementwith the assisted living facility, but the care provided by these otherentities supplements that provided by the assisted living facility and does notsupplant it.
"Assisted living services" will also include transportationspecified in the plan of care.
However, nursing and skilled therapy services (exceptperiodic nursing evaluations if specified above) are incidental, rather thanintegral to the provision of assisted living supportive services. Payment willnot be made for twenty-four (24) hour skilled care or supervision.
(4) An "assisted living unit" means an apartment,condominium, bed or other dwelling quarters in an assisted living facility asdefined by this chapter.
(5) "Certified" means the assisted living facility has beendetermined by Rhode Island housing to comply with its rules, regulations andguidelines for assisted living.
(6) "Government funds" means funds provided under theprovisions of chapter 8 of title 40.
(7) "Long-term care assessment" means a program, approved bythe directors of human services and elderly affairs, that provides a uniformhealth, social and functional assessment of persons in need of long-term careservices due to chronic impairment or disability.
(8) "Rhode Island housing" means that public corporationauthorized and created by § 42-55-4.