§ 42-66.8-4 Provision of service. (a) Provision of assisted living supportive services paid for with governmentfunds in an assisted living facility as defined and delineated in this chaptershall be provided only to those persons who are eligible for, or at risk for,placement in a nursing facility and who have had a long-term care assessmentwhich indicates the person can receive appropriate care in the assisted livingfacility.
(b) The long-term care assessment required under this chaptershall be completed by persons designated by the director of elderly affairs andthe director of the department of human services and shall includerepresentatives of the department of human services and persons designated bythe department of elderly affairs to provide long-term care assessment servicesunder § 42-66.6-3.
(c) If a person determined to be eligible to receive waiverservices under this chapter desires to reside in an assisted living unit and anappropriate assisted living facility is available, the department of elderlyaffairs shall authorize the placement.
(d) Continued provision of assisted living supportiveservices paid for with government funds in an assisted living facility shall bebased on a reassessment of the recipient's care needs to be performed at leastevery one hundred and eighty (180) days.