§ 42-66-17 Disclosure of financialinterest. (a) Any licensed or certified adult day care program which refers clients toany health care facility licensed pursuant to chapter 17 of title 23 or to aresidential care/assisted living facility licensed pursuant to chapter 17.4 oftitle 23 or to a licensed/certified adult day care program which the referringentity has a financial interest shall, at the time a referral is made, disclosethe following information to the client: (1) that the referring entity has afinancial interest in the facility or provider to which the referral is beingmade; (2) that the client has the option of seeking care from a differentfacility or provider which is also licensed and/or certified by the state toprovide similar services to the client.
The referring entity shall also offer the client a writtenlist prepared by the department of all such alternative licensed and/orcertified facilities or providers.
(b) Non-compliance with this section shall constitute groundsto revoke, suspend or otherwise discipline the licensee or to deny anapplication for licensure by the director, or may result in imposition of anadministrative penalty in accordance with chapter 17.10 of title 23.