§ 42-7.2-16 Medicaid System Reform 2008. (a) The executive office of health and human services, in conjunction with thedepartment of human services, the department of elderly affairs, the departmentof children youth and families, the department of health and the department ofmental health, retardation and hospitals, is authorized to design options thatreform the Medicaid program so that it is a person-centered, financiallysustainable, cost-effective, and opportunity driven program that: utilizescompetitive and value based purchasing to maximize the available serviceoptions, promote accountability and transparency, and encourage and rewardhealthy outcomes, independence, and responsible choices; promotes efficienciesand the coordination of services across all health and human services agencies;and ensures the state will have a fiscally sound source of publicly-financedhealth care for Rhode Islanders in need.
(b) Principles and Goals. In developing andimplementing this system of reform, the executive office of health and humanservices and the five (5) health and human services departments shall pursuethe following principles and goals:
(1) Empower consumers to make reasoned and cost-effectivechoices about their health by providing them with the information and array ofservice options they need and offering rewards for healthy decisions;
(2) Encourage personal responsibility by assuring theinformation available to beneficiaries is easy to understand and accurate,provide that a fiscal intermediary is provided when necessary, and adequateaccess to needed services;
(3) When appropriate, promote community-based care solutionsby transitioning beneficiaries from institutional settings back into thecommunity and by providing the needed assistance and supports to beneficiariesrequiring long-term care or residential services who wish to remain, or arebetter served in the community;
(4) Enable consumers to receive individualized health carethat is outcome-oriented, focused on prevention, disease management, recoveryand maintaining independence;
(5) Promote competition between health care providers toensure best value purchasing, to leverage resources and to create opportunitiesfor improving service quality and performance;
(6) Redesign purchasing and payment methods to assure fiscalaccountability and encourage and to reward service quality andcost-effectiveness by tying reimbursements to evidence-based performancemeasures and standards, including those related to patient satisfaction; and
(7) Continually improve technology to take advantage ofrecent innovations and advances that help decision makers, consumers andproviders to make informed and cost-effective decisions regarding health care.
(c) The executive office of health and human services shallannually submit a report to the governor and the general assembly commencing ona date no later than July 1, 2009 describing the status of the administrationand implementation of the Global Waiver Compact.