§ 42-7.2-6 Departments assigned to theexecutive office Powers and duties. (a) The departments assigned to the secretary shall:
(1) Exercise their respective powers and duties in accordancewith their statutory authority and the general policy established by thegovernor or by the secretary acting on behalf of the governor or in accordancewith the powers and authorities conferred upon the secretary by this chapter;
(2) Provide such assistance or resources as may be requestedor required by the governor and/or the secretary; and
(3) Provide such records and information as may be requestedor required by the governor and/or the secretary to the extent allowed underthe provisions of any applicable general or public law, regulation, oragreement relating to the confidentiality, privacy or disclosure of suchrecords or information.
(4) Forward to the secretary copies of all reports to thegovernor.
(b) Except as provided herein, no provision of this chapteror application thereof shall be construed to limit or otherwise restrict thedepartment of children, youth and families, the department of elderly affairs,the department of health, the department of human services, and the departmentof mental health, retardation and hospitals from fulfilling any statutoryrequirement or complying with any valid rule or regulation.