§ 42-7.2-7 Independent advisory council Purposes. (a) The secretary shall establish an independent advisory council, hereafterreferred to as "advisory council" composed of representatives of the network ofhealth and human services providers, the communities the departments serve,state and local policy makers and any other stakeholders or consumersinterested in improving access to high quality health and human services.
(b) The advisory council shall assist the secretary inidentifying: issues of concern and priorities in the organization and/ordelivery of services; areas where there is need for interdepartmentalcollaboration and cooperation; and opportunities for building sustainable andeffective public-private partnerships that support the missions of thedepartments. The advisory council shall also provide guidance to the secretaryin developing a plan to further the purposes of the executive office and assistthe departments in meeting their unique missions and shared responsibilities.
(c) With the assistance of the department directors, thesecretary shall hold health and human services forums and open meetings thatencourage community, consumer and stakeholder input on health and humanservices issues, proposals and activities and actions of the executive officethat have been identified by the advisory council as areas of concern orimportant policy priorities or opportunities for the state.