§ 42-7.3-6 Duties and responsibilities ofthe director. (a) The director shall be responsible to the governor for managing thedepartment of public safety and for providing strategic leadership anddirection to the divisions and agencies within the department. The director ofpublic safety is authorized to:
(b) Coordinate the administration and financing of publicsafety services and programs.
(c) Serve as the governor's chief advisor and liaison tofederal policymakers on public safety issues as well as the principal point ofcontact in the state on any such related matters.
(d) Resolve administrative, jurisdictional, operational,program, or policy conflicts among divisions and agencies and to take necessaryaction;
(e) Assure continued progress toward improving the quality,the economy, the accountability and the efficiency of state-administered publicsafety services;
(f) Prepare and integrate comprehensive budgets for thedivisions and agencies within the department.
(g) Utilize objective data to evaluate public safety goals,resource use and outcome evaluation and to perform short and long-term policyplanning and development.
(h) Conduct independent reviews of state public safetyprograms.
(i) Provide regular and timely reports to the governor andmake recommendations with respect to the state's public safety needs.
(j) Employ such personnel and contract for such consultingservices as may be required to perform the powers and duties lawfully conferredupon the director.