§ 42-72.1-6 Violations, suspensions andrevocations of license. (a) When a licensee violates the terms of the license, the provisions of thischapter, or any regulation thereunder, the department may pursue theadministrative remedies herein provided, in addition to other civil or criminalremedies according to the general laws.
(b) After notice and hearing, as provided by theAdministrative Procedures Act, chapter 35 of title 42, the administrator mayrevoke the license, or suspend the license for a period not exceeding six (6)months.
(c) During a suspension, the agency, facility or programshall cease operation.
(d) To end a suspension, the licensee shall, within thirty(30) days of the notice of suspension, submit a plan of corrective action tothe administrator. The plan shall outline the steps and timetables forimmediate correction of the areas of noncompliance and is subject to theapproval of the administrator.
(e) At the end of the suspension, the administrator mayreinstate the license for the term of the original license, revoke the license,issue a new license, or deny a reapplication.
(f) Upon revocation, the licensed agency, program or facilityshall cease operation. The licensee whose license has been revoked may notapply for a similar license within a three (3) year period from the date ofrevocation.