§ 42-72.2-2 Legislative intent Program objectives. The family support program shall:
(1) Provide information and support to all parents withinfants and toddlers that promotes the growth, health, and well being ofchildren and the strength and integrity of the family;
(2) Provide families with a systematic, ongoing process thatfacilitates identification of unmet health, educational, and/or social serviceneeds;
(3) Provide families with information regarding serviceoptions, which are consistent with expressed needs, and provide assistance andsupport, which enables families to successfully and independently access thoseservices;
(4) Develop a process which facilitates the prompt andeffective connection between child and family needs and existing communitybased services;
(5) Coordinate the array of service options that are fullyintegrated into existing health and educational programs statewide, to minimizeduplication, fragmentation, and cost;
(6) Develop a system that facilitates follow up of childrenand families, monitors the effectiveness of services provided, and specificallyidentifies gaps in existing services and the prevalence of such voids statewide;
(7) Develop a process that integrates the "child find"requirements and expectations of 20 U.S.C. § 1471 et seq., to eliminatethe need for a segregated identification system for special needs children andtheir families; and
(8) Develop a process which effectively coordinates allexisting child and family programs, specifically identifying the role andresponsibility of each state human service agency in the delivery andadministration of the family support program.