§ 42-72.4-1 Children under state care Admission to public schools Intra-state education identificationcard. (a) It is the duty of the director of the department of children, youth, andfamilies to ensure that all children in the care of the state are allowedimmediate admission, subject to the provisions of § 16-64-1 §16-64-8, to a public school in the city or town in which they are residing inan authorized placement. To facilitate the discharge of this duty, the directorshall issue to every child in the state's care who has completed three (3)years of life and has not completed eighteen (18) years of life and to everyother child in the state's care who is eligible to be enrolled in a publicschool, an intra-state education identification card. The intra-state educationidentification card shall include evidence of immunization as provided in§ 16-38-2.
(b) It is the duty of the director to update the intra-stateeducation identification card for each child in order to provide currentinformation regarding the residence of the parent or guardian and evidence ofimmunization as provided in § 16-38-2 on an annual basis prior to and eachtime the child transfers to another school district. This card shall providethat each city or town be required to immediately enroll the child in itsschool system and for purposes of determining the school district financiallyresponsible for the child's education in accordance with § 16-64-1.1, theparent's residence designated on the intra-state education identification cardshall constitute prima facie evidence of the parent's residence in thatdistrict.
(c) It is the duty of both the receiving and sending schoolsystem to effect the immediate transfer of the child's school records withoutany additional documentation except as provided by the department of elementaryand secondary education. The requirements of this section are in addition tothe provisions of § 16-64-7, which empowers the department of children,youth, and families to authorize the transfer of school records in certainsituations. The director of the department of children, youth, and families isauthorized to promulgate rules and regulations necessary to the implementationof this chapter. The director shall comply with the terms of this chapter uponpassage for all children in state care who are not then enrolled and/orregistered in the school district within which they reside and shall complywith the terms of the chapter for children who are currently so enrolled orregistered no later than the time of the children's next school transfer.
(d) All inmates in the training school, without regard totheir age, must attend or participate in a school, vocational, generalequivalency diploma program, or other training program, located on the trainingschool grounds as part of the training school's programs while committed to thetraining school.