§ 42-72.8-1 Statement of purpose. (a) There are many children in the custody of the department of children,youth, and families who have been in such custody for several years and whohave no family resources or whose family has limited ability to provide fundsfor post secondary education. Such children often possess the academic abilityand the interest to pursue higher educational goals but are precluded fromdoing so because of the lack of family resources to assist in funding;
(b) The state has already invested considerable funds in suchyouth through the funding of residential placements, foster care, counselingservices, and health care. Investment in their education will help to ensure asuccessful transition to adulthood free of dependence on government support;
(c) To afford such youth opportunity comparable to childrennot in state custody who often enjoy greater opportunities to draw from familyand other resources there is hereby created the Department of Children, Youth,and Families' Higher Education Opportunity Incentive Grant Program. Through anappropriation from the general assembly a grant fund shall be established inthe department of children, youth, and families to supplement financialassistance in the form of grants and scholarships that are available to suchyouth.