§ 42-72.8-3 Selection of grant recipients. (a) There shall be a grant award selection committee which shall consist of arepresentative from each of the institutions of higher education appointed bytheir respective presidents, two (2) representatives from the department ofchildren, youth, and families appointed by the director, one representativefrom the department of elementary and secondary education appointed by thecommissioner, and one representative from the office of higher educationappointed by the commissioner.
(b) Grant awards shall be made on the basis of scholasticrecord, aptitude, financial need and general interest in higher education.Recipients must comply with all application deadlines and criteria foradmission to the institution to which the recipient is making application and,further, the recipient must have been granted admission by the admissionsoffice of the institution. Cumulative grant awards shall not exceed availableappropriations in any fiscal year. The selection committee shall adopt rulesand regulations, which are reasonably necessary to implement a process of grantrecipient selection.