§ 42-72.9-5 Seclusion. (a) No service provider may cause the involuntary placement of a child inseclusion except as an emergency intervention to prevent immediate or imminentrisk of injury to the physical safety of the child, staff, or other individualsin the facility and may not be used for discipline, convenience or as asubstitute for a less restrictive alternative. The following requirements mustbe observed for any child placed in seclusion:
(1) The condition of the child in seclusion must becontinually assessed, monitored, and reevaluated and the seclusion must beended at the earliest possible time, considering the physical safety of thechild being secluded and other individuals in the facility. For the purposes ofthis section, "monitor" means (i) direct observation, or (ii) observation byway of video monitoring within physical proximity sufficient to provide aid asmay be needed; and
(2) The simultaneous use of seclusion and mechanical orchemical restraint is prohibited.
(b) Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit theuse of "time out" as a method of managing behavior within a covered facility.