§ 42-72-11 Protective services. In furtherance of the purposes and duties imposed by this chapter, and in orderto implement the procedures of the Rhode Island Child Abuse and Neglect Actcontained in chapter 11 of title 40, the department shall provide protectiveservices for children. The department shall:
(1) In cases in which reasonable efforts are requiredpursuant to § 15-7-7 or § 40-11-12.2, mobilize the services availablein cases of child abuse and neglect which may assist the child and the child'sfamily including, but not limited to, day care, homemaking services, medicalattention, social, psychological, and psychiatric evaluation and treatment,emergency shelters, transportation, individual or group counseling, andinformation and referral;
(2) Establish procedures for administering purchase ofservice agreements from community and private agencies;
(3) Develop a policy and procedure manual to be available toall staff workers; and
(4) Require that the service plan developed for every childunder protective care be geared to finding a permanent plan for the childwithin a time frame of one year, and require a review and evaluation programfor all children for whom a plan has been developed.