§ 42-72-3 Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter:
(1) "Advocate" means the child advocate or any of his or heragents, servants or employees as established pursuant to this title.
(2) "Child" or "children" means any person under the age ofeighteen (18); provided that children over the age of eighteen (18) and whocontinue to receive services from the department and/or who are defined asemotionally disturbed and/or as children with functional developmentaldisabilities as referenced in this section shall be considered "children" forall the purposes of this chapter.
(3) "Child abuse and neglect" is that term as defined inchapter 11 of title 40.
(4) "Department" means the department of children, youth, andfamilies.
(5) "Director" means the director of children, youth, andfamilies, or his or her designee.
(6) "Regional service center" means the respective local orregional units established by the director.
(7) "Near fatality" means an act that, as certified by aphysician, placed the child in serious or critical condition.
(8) "Infant" means any person under the age of twenty-four(24) months.