§ 42-72-30 Family and children trustprogram. (a) There is created the family and children trust program. The director mayapply for, receive and accept grants, gifts, and bequests from any source,governmental or private, with the approval of the director of administration.Upon receipt of any remittance the director shall transmit the entire amount tothe general treasurer, who shall deposit it as general revenues. The generalassembly may appropriate funds for the family and children trust program.
(b) The family and children trust program monies fund withthe accumulated interest shall be used for the following purposes: (1) matchingfederal funds to purchase services relating to community-based programs for theprevention of problems of families and children; (2) providing start-up orexpansion grants for community-based prevention projects or educationalprograms for the problems of families and children, primarily, but not limitedto, child abuse and neglect and family abuse; and (3) studying and evaluatingcommunity-based prevention projects and educational programs for the problemsof families and children; provided that grantees of funds shall be required tomatch those funds in cash, or services in kind, the value of which shall bedetermined by the director. For the purpose of this subsection, "educationalprograms" shall include instructional and demonstration programs whose mainpurpose is to disseminate information and techniques or to provide services forthe prevention of problems of families and children.
(c) The state advisory council for children and theirfamilies or its successor, shall advise the director in detail on theexpenditure of funds from the family and children trust fund, and shall:
(1) Develop a biennial plan for distribution of funds;
(2) Develop criteria for awarding funds;
(3) Review proposals for the funds and presentrecommendations to the director;
(4) Monitor the expenditure of funds and review the annualreport on the use thereof as presented by the director; and
(5) Promote the general development of public and privatesector child abuse prevention programs and activities.
(d) The state controller is authorized and directed to drawhis or her orders upon the general treasurer for the payments of anyexpenditures out of the unexpended balance of the fund as may be ordered by thedirector upon proper vouchers presented to the controller by the director.