§ 42-72-5.1 Adoption of children placedunder foster care. (a) The foster parent(s) of a child, committed to the department of children,youth, and families by the family court, who has had the physical custody ofthe child for a period of two (2) years or more may petition the family courtfor the adoption of the child.
(b) The court shall give notice of the petition to thenatural parent(s) and, after a hearing thereon, the court may grant thepetition, if it finds:
(1) That the department of children, youth, and families hasmade every effort to involve the natural parent(s) in planning for the child;
(2) That the natural parent(s) did not exercise reasonablevisitation rights with the child; and
(3) That termination of the rights of the natural parent(s)and adoption by the foster parent(s) is in the best interests of the child.