§ 42-73-7 Duties of advocate. The child advocate shall perform the following duties:
(1) Insure that each child in protective care, custody or intreatment, and in proper cases, others interested in the child's welfare isapprised of his or her rights under this chapter and chapter 72 of this title;
(2) Review periodically the procedures established by thedepartment of children, youth, and families to carry out the provisions ofchapter 72 of this title with a view toward the rights of the children and toinvestigate in accordance with the established rules and regulations adopted bythe child advocate, the circumstances relating to the death of any child whohas received services, from the department of children, youth, and families;
(3) Review complaints of persons and investigate those whereit appears that a child may be in need of assistance from the child advocate;
(4) Periodically review the facilities and procedures of anyand all institutions and/or residences, public and private, where a juvenilehas been placed by the family court or the department of children, youth, andfamilies;
(5) Recommend changes in the procedures for dealing withjuvenile problems and in the systems for providing childcare and treatment;
(6) Take all possible action including, but not limited to,programs of public education, legislative advocacy, and formal legal action, tosecure and ensure the legal, civil, and special rights of children subject tothe provisions of § 42-73-9.1 and chapter 72 of this title;
(7) Provide training and technical assistance to guardians adlitem and special advocates appointed by the family court to represent childrenin proceedings before that court; and
(8) Review orders of the family court relating to juvenileswith power to request reviews as required by the best interests of the child.