§ 42-75.2-7 Selection of works of art andartists. (a) Artists and their works of art to be acquired under this chapter shall beselected by the Rhode Island state council on the arts with the advice of apanel specifically chosen for each project, pursuant to procedures establishedby the Rhode Island state council on the arts. Each panel shall contain atleast one representative of the architect, one representative of the user, onerepresentative of the community, and one professional artist.
(b) The acquisition of art under this chapter shall be exemptfrom any and all state bidding requirements. Panel members shall not be paidexcept for reimbursement for necessary costs and in-state travel expenses.Panel members and members of their families shall not be considered in theselection of an artist. All formal or informal meetings and deliberations bythe panel shall be open and public. Cooperation with other local and nationalart agencies is required.
(c) Whenever possible the selection of art, artwork, or worksof art of Rhode Island artists shall be encouraged by the panel.