§ 42-75.2-8 Artist's rights. (a) The state receives the rights to sole ownership and public display of allart acquired under this chapter, subject to the following intangible rightsretained by the artist:
(1) The right to claim authorship of the work of art;
(2) The right to reproduce the work of art, including allrights to which the work of art may be subject under copyright laws, including,but not limited to, derivative and publishing rights, but excluding the rightto public display. The rights may be limited by written contract;
(3) If provided by written contract, the right to receive aspecified percentage of the proceeds if the work of art is subsequently sold bythe state to a third party other than as part of the sale of the building inwhich the work of art is located; and
(4) If agreed between the state and the artist, the artistmay extend to his or her heirs, assignees or personal representatives any ofthe above rights until the end of the twentieth year following the death of theartist.
(b) The artist retains as absolute the following rights:
(1) The right to have the artist's name associated with thework; and
(2) The right to prevent degradation, mutilation, oraesthetic ruining of the work.
(c) Prior to the execution of a contract for artwork to beacquired pursuant to this chapter, the artist shall be informed in writing ofthe rights specified in subsections (a) and (b).