§ 42-75-8 Authority of commission. The commission is authorized and empowered to hold public and private hearings,to enter into contracts, within the limit of funds available for thesecontracts, with individuals, organizations, and institutions for servicesfurthering the objectives of the commission's programs; to enter intocontracts, within the limit of funds available for these contracts, with localand regional associations for co-operative endeavors furthering the objectivesof the commission's programs; to accept gifts, contributions, and bequests ofunrestricted funds from individuals, foundations, corporations, and otherorganizations or institutions which shall be deposited as general revenues; tomake and sign any agreements and to do and perform any acts that may benecessary to carry out the purposes of this act. The commission may request andshall receive from any department, division, board, bureau, commission, oragency of the state any assistance and data that will enable it properly tocarry out its powers and duties. The commission may empanel any advisors thatit deems necessary.