§ 42-8.1-10 Determination of value. Every public officer who has public records in his or her custody shall consultperiodically with the state archivist together with the state auditor, and theattorney general, and those officers shall determine whether the records inquestion are of permanent legal or historical value. Those records unanimouslydetermined not to be of permanent legal or historical value shall be disposedof by such method as specified by § 38-3-6. A list of all records sodisposed of, together with a statement certifying compliance with §38-3-6, signed by the archivist, shall be filed and preserved in the officefrom which the records were drawn. Public records in the custody of the statearchivist with the approval of the secretary of state may be disposed of upon asimilar determination by the attorney general, the auditor general, and thehead of the agency from which the records were received or its legal successor.