§ 42-8.1-11 Transfer of records toarchives. (a) Those records deemed by the public officer having custody thereof to beunnecessary for the transaction of the business of his or her office and yetdeemed by the public records administrator, attorney general, or the auditorgeneral and the state archivist to be of permanent or historical value, may betransferred, with the consent of the state archivist, to the custody of thedivision of state archives. A list of all records so transferred, together witha statement certifying compliance with the provisions of this chapter signed bythe state archivist, shall be preserved in the files of the office from whichthe records were drawn and in the files of the division.
(b) Items in the care, custody, and trusteeship of the statearchivist which are not records as defined by chapter 2 of title 38 and itemswhich are not records which are proposed for disposition but determined to beof historical or museum interest or value by the state archivist may betransferred to the custody of the Rhode Island historical society or otherlocal historical societies.
(c) Qualified researchers, scholars and students and otherappropriate persons performing qualified research shall have the right ofreasonable access to all records in the custody of the state archivist forpurposes of historical reference, research, and information, subject toprovisions of chapter 2 of title 38. Copies of records, having historical, ormuseum interest or value shall be furnished by the state archivist upon requestof any person, society, state agency or political subdivision, subject torestraints of standard archival practices.
(d) In the event of disagreement as to the custody of anyrecords as defined in § 38-3-6, the archivist with the advice of theattorney general and auditor general shall make final and conclusivedetermination, and order and direct custody accordingly per § 38-3-6.