§ 42-8-21 Microfilming of records. The secretary of state may photograph, micro-photograph, film, or otherwisereproduce all or any part of the records kept by him or her in a manner and onfilm or paper that complies with the minimum standards of quality approved forreproducing records by the American National Standards Institute, and all thesephotographs, micro-photographs, films, or other reproductions shall be placedin conveniently accessible files and provisions made for examining and usingthem. The original records, from which such photographs, micro-photographs,non-erasable optical disks, films, or other reproductions have been made, orany part thereof, may be put in storage anywhere in this state for safekeeping, and any photograph, micro-photograph, optical disk or photo copy orother reproduction thereof shall be admissible as evidence, the same as theoriginal is now; provided, that such copies meet the standards establishedpursuant to § 38-3-5.1.