§ 42-80-2 Commission created Composition. (a) There is created the Rhode Island commission on prejudice and bias,hereinafter called the "commission".
(b) The commission shall consist of seventeen (17) members,each of whom shall serve a term of two (2) years, expiring on the firstanniversary of each member's appointment or on the date that their respectivesuccessors are appointed and qualified, whichever is later. The membership ofthe commission shall consist of three (3) members of the senate appointed bythe president of the senate, not more than two (2) from the same politicalparty; three (3) members of the house of representatives to be appointed by thespeaker, not more than two (2) of whom shall be from the same political party;three (3) members of the department of the attorney general to be appointed bythe attorney general; one member of the state police to be appointed by thesuperintendent of state police; one member of a municipal police department tobe appointed by the president of the Rhode Island Police Chiefs Association;and six (6) members of the community at large to be appointed by the governorfor their interest, expertise and diversity in the field under consideration.The committee shall select one of its members as chairperson.