§ 42-81-2 Declaration of purpose. (a) The general assembly finds that: (1) in the absence of mandatory allocationand price controls, and as a result of the unavailability of imports sufficientto satisfy Rhode Island's energy needs, the state may unnecessarily experienceshortages of residual fuel oil and refined petroleum products; (2) theseshortages will create severe economic hardships and emergencies, including lossof jobs, closing of factories and businesses, and curtailment of vital publicservices, including the transportation of food and other essential goods; (3)those hardships and emergencies jeopardize the normal flow of commerce andconstitute a threat to the public health, safety, and welfare; and (4) thehardships can be reduced through a set-aside system administered by appropriatestate agents and agencies to respond to shortages effectively and efficiently.
(b) Therefore, it is the purpose of this chapter to grant tothe governor, or the governor's designee, and direct him or her to exerciseauthority to establish a state set-aside system for propane, middledistillates, motor gasoline, residual fuel oil, and aviation fuels. Theauthority granted under this chapter shall be exercised for the purpose ofdiminishing adverse impacts of shortages on Rhode Islanders by providing thestate with the flexibility to respond to specific energy-related problems.