§ 42-81-4 Authority. The governor, or the governor's designee, shall promulgate any rules andregulations he or she deems essential to the development, implementation, andadministration of a petroleum set-aside system and shall have the authority toestablish that system. The petroleum set-aside system established under theauthority of this chapter shall not go into effect in whole or in part exceptwhere the federal government terminates, suspends, or fails to implement all orpart of the federal petroleum allocation program. The governor, or thegovernor's designee, shall implement only that portion of the state set-asideprogram necessary to prevent and alleviate any energy hardship or shortage.Rules and regulations established pursuant to the provisions of this chaptershall direct that prime suppliers of petroleum shall set aside an amount, asdetermined by the governor or the governor's designee, of liquid fossil fuelwhich shall be a percentage not to exceed five percent (5%) of the monthlyvolume of liquid fossil fuels which prime suppliers intend to sell into thestate distribution system for consumption within the state.