§ 42-9.1-2 Establishment. (a) There shall be established within the department of attorney general anoffice of health care advocate. The health care advocate shall be an assistantor special assistant attorney general to be appointed by the attorney general.The health care advocate is authorized to perform the following duties as theattorney general may direct:
(1) Appear as an amicus curiae in civil actions involving anyhealth care quality standard or issue as determined by the attorney general;
(2) Intervene in or request initiation of administrativeactions related to health care or health insurance by the state or any agencythereof as determined by the attorney general;
(3) Review complaints and conduct any investigations deemedby the attorney general necessary to assure quality health care delivery;
(4) Assist and cooperate with the director of any statedepartment or person in charge of any state agency, in the investigation of anycomplaints, occurrences, conditions, or practices with respect to inadequaciesin health care or health insurance;
(5) To take all necessary and appropriate action, includingbut not limited to public education, legislative advocacy, and where authorizedby law to institute formal legal action, to secure and insure compliance withthe provisions of titles 23 and 27 and to advocate for any changes necessary tosupport the goal of quality and affordable health care for all citizens ofRhode Island.
(b) For the purposes of this section, "health care qualitystandard" means any statute, ordinance, limitation, regulation, rule, order,license, stipulation, agreement, or permit of the state, or any agency of thestate.