§ 42-9.1-5 Powers of the attorney general. (a) The health care advocate shall be entitled to receive confidential healthcare information available to the department of health and to law enforcementto the extent authorized by, and in accordance with the provisions of chapter37.3 of title 5, the confidentiality of health care communications andinformation act. Any such information shall not be disclosed by the health careadvocate except pursuant to judicial process and shall not be used against apatient in any civil or criminal proceeding or in any other matter.
(b) Any confidential health care information receivedpursuant to this chapter shall not include the name, address or social securitynumber of the patient or other such information that specifically identifies apatient. Upon the completion of any investigation, administrative or legalaction, all records obtained by the health care advocate pursuant to thissection shall be destroyed. All costs incurred in providing the health careadvocate with any information pursuant to this section shall be borne by theprovider.