§ 42-9.2-2 Definitions. As used in this chapter:
(1) "Abuse" means the knowing infliction of physical orpsychological harm or the knowing deprivation of goods or services that arenecessary to meet essential needs or to avoid physical or psychological harm.
(2) "Caregiver" means any person who is for a significantperiod of time the primary caregiver and/or is primarily responsible for themanagement of the funds of a senior.
(3) "Elder" means an individual sixty (60) years or older.
(4) "Elder justice" means efforts to prevent, detect, treat,intervene in and prosecute elder abuse, neglect and exploitation and to protectelders while maximizing their autonomy as well as the recognition of an elder'srights, including the right to be free of abuse, neglect and exploitation.
(5) "Exploitation" means the fraudulent or otherwise illegal,unauthorized or improper act or process of an individual, including a caregiveror fiduciary, that uses the resources of an elder for monetary or personalbenefit, profit, gain, or that results in depriving an elder of rightful accessto or use of, benefits, resources, belongings, or assets by use of undueinfluence, harassment, duress, deception, false representation or falsepretenses.
(6) "Neglect" means the failure of a caregiver or fiduciaryto provide the goods or services that are necessary to maintain the health orsafety of an elder.