§ 42-9-2 Powers and duties of department Division of juvenile prosecution established. (a) The attorney general, the assistant attorneys general, and those specialassistant attorneys general who have been designated by the attorney general,shall exercise the powers and duties prescribed in and shall enforce theprovisions of this chapter and of §§ 12-1-4 12-1-12, and inall other provisions of the general laws and public laws insofar as they relateto the powers and duties of the attorney general. The attorney general shallfile notice with the secretary of state and the clerk of the superior court.
(b) There shall be established within the department ofattorney general a division of juvenile prosecution which shall prosecute alldelinquency petitions based on the commission of any offense which if committedby an adult would constitute a capital offense, all delinquency petitions basedon the commission of an offense which if committed by an adult would constitutethe offense of assault with intent to commit a capital offense, all delinquencypetitions based upon the commission of an offense which if committed by anadult would constitute the offense of manslaughter, and all assault offenseswhich if committed by an adult would constitute a felony. The division ofjuvenile prosecution shall also have jurisdiction to file petitions pursuant to§§ 14-1-7 and 14-1-7.1.