§ 42-9-6.1 Annual report of defense ofchallenged legislation. (a) The attorney general shall annually on or before the thirty-first (31st)day of January of each year submit a report to the general assembly showing thetransactions of his or her office and that of any special counsel appointed byor through his or her office during the previous calendar year in relation tothe defense of legislation passed by the general assembly which has beenchallenged on the grounds that it violates a provision of either theConstitution of the United States or the Constitution of the state of RhodeIsland.
(b) The report shall include: (1) the name of each case; (2)the bill number of the challenged legislation; (3) the court in which the casewas filed; (4) whether the case is being handled directly by the attorneygeneral's office and/or the name of additional special counsel that have beenappointed; (5) a summary of the proceedings including any final disposition ofthe case; and (6) the cost to the state, as near as may be ascertained, fordefending each case.
(c) This report shall be a public document.