§ 42-9-8.2 Local police officers assignedto attorney general. Local police officers assigned to the attorney general for the purposes of aspecific investigation shall exercise the same powers of arrest exercised by aninvestigator if the power is exercised in that investigation. If a local policeofficer is assigned to the department of attorney general for the purpose ofinvestigation into criminal matters, generally, he or she shall exercise thesame powers of arrest exercised by an investigator. The authorization for suchlocal police officers acting under the authority of this statute shall be onfile at the department of attorney general, and the police officer's localdepartment. A local police officer's power of arrest obtained pursuant to thissection shall be authorized only for as long as he or she is under the directsupervision of the department of the attorney general. The officer's assignmentshall be a one year appointment unless sooner terminated by the attorneygeneral and the attorney general shall have the authority to reappoint a localpolice officer to an additional one year term.