§ 42-90-1 Public disclosure required. (a) All departments, commissions, boards, councils, other agencies in thegovernment of the state and public corporations shall prepare and submit to thesecretary of state quarterly a list containing:
(1) The name of any person who performed legal, medical,accounting, engineering, or any other professional, technical or consultantservice to the department, commission, board, council, agency or publiccorporation on a contractual basis during the previous quarter; and
(2) The amount of compensation received by each consultantduring the previous quarter.
(b) All departments, commissions, boards, councils, otheragencies in the government of the state and public corporations shall prepareand submit to the secretary of state on an annual basis a contracting reportcontaining:
(1) Copies of all contracts or agreements by which anongovernmental person or entity agrees with the department, commission, board,council, agency or public corporation to provide services, valued at onehundred thousand dollars ($100,000) or more, which are substantially similar toand in lieu of services heretofore provided, in whole or in part, by regularemployees of the department, commission, board, council, agency or publiccorporation; and
(2) A budget analysis of each contract reported pursuant tothis subsection containing the cost of each contract for the prior, current andnext year; and the number of private contractor employees reflected asfull-time equivalent positions with their hourly wage rate, and costs ofbenefits for each job classification for the current and previous year.
(c) The secretary of state shall compile, publish, and makeavailable for public inspection all lists and contracting reports prepared inaccordance with this chapter.