§ 42-91-2 Membership of council. (a) The council shall consist of twenty (20) members, ten (10) of whom shall bepublic members, two (2) to be appointed by the governor, two (2) by thelieutenant governor, two (2) by the speaker of the house, two (2) by thepresident of the senate, one by the secretary of state, and one by the generaltreasurer; provided, however, that all of the public members shall be officers,partners, or proprietors of Rhode Island companies that are small businesses asdefined by the United States Small Business Administration; one of whom shallbe affiliated with a business-related department of a Rhode Island institutionof higher learning, to be appointed by the lieutenant governor; one of whomshall be a minority party member of the joint committee on small business, tobe appointed by the speaker of the house; one of whom shall be a member of thegovernor's staff, to be appointed by the governor; and the chairperson of thejoint committee on small business, ex officio; the vice-chairperson of thejoint committee on small business, ex officio; the director of the Rhode Islandeconomic development corporation, or the director's permanent designee, exofficio; the director of the department of labor and training, or thedirector's permanent designee, ex officio; the secretary of state, or thesecretary's permanent designee, ex officio; the general treasurer, or thetreasurer's permanent designee, ex officio; and the lieutenant governor, exofficio. The lieutenant governor shall serve as chairperson of the council.
(b) One of the public members appointed by each of theappointing authorities shall be appointed to serve until the first day of June,1987, and the other to serve until the first day of June, 1988; and all membersshall serve until their successors are appointed and qualified. In the month ofMay in any year in which a public member's term of office expires, therespective appointing authorities shall appoint successors to the members whoseterms shall expire in that year, to hold office commencing on the first day ofJune in the year of appointment for a term of three (3) years or until theirrespective successors are appointed and qualified. Any vacancy of an appointedmember, which may occur in the council shall be filled by appointment by therespective appointing authority for the remainder of the unexpired term.Ex-officio members shall serve until the end of their term of office; themember of the governor's staff shall serve until the end of the governor's termof office.
(c) The council shall meet at the call of the lieutenantgovernor and shall elect from among themselves a vice-chairperson, who shall beone of the public members, and a secretary. The council shall meet at leastquarterly during each calendar year.
(d) The membership shall receive no compensation for theirservices. The council may request, through the department of economicdevelopment, any clerical and technical assistance it may deem necessary toaccomplish its purpose.