§ 42-91-3 Purpose and duties. (a) The purpose of the council shall be to develop those specific andcomprehensive recommendations for executive and legislative action as may benecessary and proper to maintain and encourage the continued viability of smallbusinesses in the state. To enable it to carry out that purpose, the councilshall study the following matters and any others it deems appropriate:
(1) The problems and needs of small businesses.
(2) The role of small businesses in creating jobs, and whatwill assist small businesses in carrying out that role.
(3) The status of women and minorities as small businessowners.
(4) The rules and regulations of the various departments,boards, and agencies of state and local government that affect small businesses.
(5) The policies, practices, and procedures of governmentalbodies in dealing with small businesses.
(6) The communication of information concerning state andfederal programs that may provide assistance to small businesses.
(7) The promotion of a continuing dialogue between governmentand small business.
(b) The council is empowered to appoint subcommittees tostudy specialized areas of concern and to report their findings to the council.
(c) The council is empowered to seek the advice andassistance of the United States Small Business Association, the United StatesSmall Business Development Center, members of local small businessassociations, and members of small business councils of chambers of commerce.
(d) All departments, boards, and agencies of the state shallcooperate with the council and furnish any advice and information, documentaryand otherwise, that may be necessary or desirable to facilitate the purposes ofthis chapter.
(e) The council shall:
(1) Advise the ombudsman established pursuant to §42-35.1-5 on matters of concern to small businesses relating to the enforcementactivities of agencies;
(2) Report to the ombudsman on substantiated instances ofenforcement actions of agencies against small business concerns including anyfindings or recommendations of the council as to agency enforcement policies orpractices;
(3) Prior to publication, provide comment on the annualreport of the ombudsman prepared under § 42-35.1-3.