§ 42-95-2 Proceeds of funds. (a) All monies in the fund shall be expended in accordance with the generallaws of the state and the terms and conditions of the agreement or agreementsby and between the city of Providence and the state with respect to theProvidence river relocation memorial boulevard extension project, socalled, as defined in the agreement(s), and any other agreement(s) between thestate and other public or private entities (hereinafter referred to as "theproject"). Expenses incurred from and after November 12, 1984, shall include,but not be limited to, expenses related to design, engineering, landacquisition, survey, legal fees, construction, maintenance, equipment,supplies, administration, easements, and all other expenses necessary andincidental to carrying out the purposes of this chapter and the agreement(s).The governor, or the governor's delegate, shall be vested with all power andauthority necessary or incidental to carrying out the purpose of this chapter.
(b) With respect to the project, the state controller isauthorized and directed to draw his or her orders upon the general treasurerfor the payment out of the fund of any sum or sums as may be required, fromtime to time, upon receipt by the controller of properly authenticated vouchersapproved by the governor or the governor's delegate.
(c) The powers and authorities granted by this act to thegovernor, or the governor's delegate, shall be in addition to, and not insubstitution for, all other power provided by law.