§ 42-98-1.1 Capital city undergroundutility initiative. (a) The public utilities commission shall permit the city of Providence or thecity of East Providence, upon petition by a duly authorized representative ofsuch municipality, to forego some or all of the respective municipality's prorata share of the refund accruing to the ratepayers of the respectivemunicipality as computed under section 11(c) of the 3rd Amended SettlementAgreement in Docket No. 2930; provided, however, that the city council of eachpetitioning ratifies such action by passage of a resolution.
(b) The public utilities commission shall permit, uponpetition by the attorney general, for the use of up to two million dollars($2,000,000) from Narragansett Electric Company's Storm Contingency Fund forpurposes of under grounding that portion of the E-183 transmission line underconsideration in Energy Facility Siting Board Docket 2003-01.
(c) Narragansett Electric Company shall be required to applyto the regional grid operator or its successor organization for approval tocharge New England regional network service customers for the capital costsassociated with the construction of Phase II overhead configuration labeled the"North Bridge Alignment" as defined by the Settlement Agreement that wasapproved by the Energy Facility Siting Board in Docket 2003-1.
(d) The Narragansett Electric Company ("company") shall beauthorized to proceed with the construction of the underground alignment of theE-183 line referenced in the Settlement Agreement that was approved by theEnergy Facility Siting Board in Docket 2003-01 ("Underground alignment"),including the acquisition of any property rights needed to implement theunderground alignment subject to the passage of resolutions by both citycouncils of the cities of Providence and East Providence agreeing that anyincremental costs above existing funding may be included in electric rates ofelectric customers in those cities. Such resolutions must be delivered to thepublic utilities commission no later than July 1, 2009. Notwithstanding theterms of the Settlement, to the extent the actual costs for the undergroundalignment exceed the funding obtained for the project pursuant to this sectionand from federal and other sources, the company is authorized to include theincremental costs above those funding levels in its distribution rate base andreflect the revenue requirement in rates to the electric distribution customerswithin the cities of Providence and East Providence, subject to the timelypassage and delivery of the resolution specified above. Such rate adjustmentshall be made within six (6) months from project completion, applying the sameratemaking principles as ordinarily applied to distribution capital projectswhen they are allowed in its distribution rate base by the public utilitiescommission. After completion of the underground alignment, the public utilitiescommission shall conduct a review of costs incurred to construct theunderground alignment in order to verify that the company's calculation andimplementation of rates are in compliance with this section; provided, further,the auditor general shall perform a performance audit of state costs.
(e) If the underground alignment goes forward, the companyshall retain such portions of the properties acquired to implement theunderground alignment as may be necessary and prudent, and shall transfer anyremaining portions of said properties to the redevelopment authority of thecity in which the property is located after the completion of the project, atthe city's request and at no additional cost to the city. Any easements nolonger being used by the company for utility purposes after the undergroundalignment is completed also shall be transferred to the city after thecompletion of the project, at the city's request and at no additional cost tothe city. If there is any dispute about the extent to which property oreasements are needed and therefore should not be transferred, the publicutilities commission shall decide the issue upon petition by the affected city.