§ 42-98-13 Access to premises. (a) Members of the siting board, or agents of the board, while engaged in theperformance of their duties, may at all reasonable times enter any premises,buildings, or other places belonging to, or controlled by, an applicant for alicense under this chapter, and inspect the premises or any part of thepremises. Reasonable notice of the inspection shall be given to the owner ofthe facility and a representative of the owner shall accompany the members ofthe board or its agent at all times during any inspection.
(b) Any person obstructing, hindering, or in any way, causingto be obstructed or hindered, any board member or agent of the board, in theperformance of his or her duties, or who shall refuse to permit any boardmember or agent of the board entrance into any premises, buildings, or otherplaces belonging to, or controlled by an applicant, in the performance of hisor her duties, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and fined not more thanfive hundred dollars ($500).