§ 42-98-20 Informational filings. (a) To assist the board in achieving the policy objectives set forth in §42-98-2, the owners of any proposed energy facility, whether or not thefacility qualified as a major energy facility, shall make an informationalfiling with the board at the time of first application to any other agency,board, council, or commission of the state or political subdivision of thestate required to issue a permit, license, assent, or variance in order for thesiting, construction, or alteration of the facility to proceed.
(b) The informational filing shall contain at least thefollowing:
(1) Identification of the proposed owner(s) of the facility,including identification of all affiliates of the proposed owners, as the termis defined in § 39-3-27.
(2) Detailed description of the proposed facility, includingits function and operating characteristics, and complete plans as to allstructures, including underground construction and transmission facilities,underground or aerial, associated with the proposed facility.