§ 43-2-5 Distribution of copies ofproceedings. The joint committee on legislative services shall, as soon as possible afterpublication of the public laws, acts of a local and private nature, andresolutions as provided in § 22-11-3.3, transmit bound copies to each ofthe following officers, libraries, or societies. The copies shall betransmitted by the recipients to their successors in office:
(a) One copy each to the governor, lieutenant governor,justices of the supreme, superior, family and district courts, generaltreasurer, state controller, the director of each state department,administrator of the division of public utilities and carriers, taxadministrator, director of business regulation, the several town and cityclerks, the several boards of canvassers and registration, the several probatecourts where the clerk of the court is other than the city or town clerk, theseveral clerks or administrators of the supreme, superior, family and districtcourts, reporter of opinions of the supreme court, the several sheriffs,adjutant general, state judge advocate general, the division of occupationalsafety, the library of any accredited institution of higher education in thestate of Rhode Island, Redwood Library and Athenaeum, the People's Library,Newport, Providence Athenaeum, Providence Public Library, Pawtucket Free PublicLibrary, any other incorporated library in the state or any library in thestate receiving state aid that may apply for a copy, the social law library atBoston, Massachusetts, the New York Public Library, in New York, the library ofthe Worcester County Bar Association, Massachusetts, the library of the JohnsHopkins University, Maryland, the library at Cornell University, New York, thelaw schools at Cambridge and Boston in Massachusetts, at New York and at Albanyin New York, at New Haven in Connecticut, the library of the University of WestVirginia, in West Virginia, the bar library in Chicago, in Illinois, thelibrary of the law school of Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., thestate libraries of the several states, the senate committees on judiciary,finance and commerce, housing and municipal government, the house ofrepresentatives committees on judiciary, finance and corporations, thelegislative council and the house of representatives finance committee advisorystaff, each member of the general assembly, the associate justice of theSupreme Court of the United States assigned to the First Circuit, each districtjudge of the United States for the District of Rhode Island, the United Statesdistrict attorney for the District of Rhode Island, the United States Marshal,the referee in bankruptcy for the District of Rhode Island, and the clerk ofthe United States District Court;tes assigned to the First Circuit, eachdistrict judge of the United States for the District of Rhode Island, theUnited States district attorney for the District of Rhode Island, the UnitedStates Marshal, the referee in bankruptcy for the District of Rhode Island, andthe clerk of the United States District Court;
(b) Four (4) copies to the Secretary of State of the UnitedStates;
(c) Two (2) copies each to the state library, the state lawlibrary, the secretary of state, the attorney general, the public defender, theLegal Aid Society of Rhode Island, the Rhode Island Historical Society, theNewport Historical Society, and the Warden's Court at New Shoreham.
(d) The secretary of state shall keep two (2) copies for theuse of his or her office.