§ 43-3-29 Compliance of acts to beperformed, authorized, or required following proclamation of emergency. (a) Notwithstanding any general or public law to the contrary, upon the filingof the proclamation as provided in § 43-3-28, any act or thing to be done,performed, authorized, or required by a certain day or time, which because ofthe disruption and/or interruption cannot be done, performed, authorized, orrequired in the manner as authorized or required by law, contract, orotherwise, shall be deemed to have complied therewith if done, performed,authorized, or required, on or before the next business day following thedetermination by the governor as provided in § 43-3-30, and if any furtheract or thing may be required or authorized to be done, performed, authorized,or required, in consequence of or as a performance subsequent to the initialact or thing required to be done, performed, authorized, or required, the dayor time for the further performance, which but for the emergency would haveoccurred during the period of emergency or later, shall be extended by theduration of the period of emergency to provide for a period of timecommensurate with that contemplated had there not been interruption ordisruption of service.
(b) Except where the use of postal service is the only meansof communication agreed upon by the parties, it shall be the duty of everyperson to exercise other means of communication as may be reasonably availableto him or her to mitigate the consequences resulting from the emergency so thatthe rights of all persons shall not be prejudiced.