§ 43-3-7.1 Use of appropriate disabilitylanguage. (a) Whenever the terms "the handicapped", "handicap person", or "handicappedperson" are used in the general laws, they shall be replaced with the words"persons with disabilities" or "person with a disability," inclusive, andwhenever the term "handicap" is used in the general laws, it shall be replacedwith the word "disability"; provided that this section shall not be appliedretroactively but shall only be applied prospectively.
(b) Whenever an act, resolution, statute, regulation,guideline, directive, or other document of a governmental entity refers topeople with disabilities, terms that stigmatize, like "the handicapped", "thedisabled", "the blind", "the deaf", "cerebral palsied", "paralytic","epileptic", "confined to a wheelchair", "wheelchair bound", "lunatic","idiot", "defective", "deformed", "victim", "suffers from", etc., shall not beused. Language that puts the "person first", rather than the impairment orassistive device, such as "person with a disability", "child who has mentalillness", "worker who is deaf", "voter who uses a wheelchair", shall be used.