§ 44-15-1 Definitions. Whenever used in this chapter:
(1) "Banking institution" means and includes a nationalbanking association with its principal office or a branch located within thelimits of this state, a state bank, trust company, savings bank (state orfederal), building and loan association, and savings and loan association(state or federal), and loan and investment company organized under the laws ofthis state or having its principal place of business or a branch in this state:
(2) "Deposits" means and includes:
(A) In the case of a national banking association, statebank, trust company, or savings bank (state or federal), savings deposits,participation deposits, or time deposits of any kind which bear interest orwhich are entitled to dividends;
(B) In the case of a building and loan association or asavings and loan association, outstanding shares of stock of every class andhowever designated plus divided earnings applicable to the stock, or timedeposits of any kind, but shall not include shares of stock and the dividedearnings applicable, or time deposits of any kind pledged as collateral tosecure mortgage loans on real estate;
(C) In the case of a loan and investment company, deposits,or time deposits of any kind, which bear interest; also fully paid or partlypaid certificates of investment, but not including payments made on investmentcertificates hypothecated as collateral against loans.
(ii) "Deposits" and "time deposits" as used in subparagraphs(i)(A) (i)(C) of this subdivision also mean and include deposits orsavings made under any type of deposit or savings plan represented bycertificates of deposit, savings bonds, or income certificates issued by anybanking institution, or however these or similar time deposits or savings planmay be designated. "Deposits" or "time deposits" as used above shall notinclude any deposits of a branch or office of any banking institution locatedoutside of this state, whether it is established de novo or acquired pursuantto an interstate merger, consolidation, or acquisition; provided, that thedeposits are made at a branch or office outside of this state, or aninternational banking facility of any banking institution, as defined in 12C.F.R. § 204.8, or which are payable only at an office located outside ofthe United States.