§ 44-18.1-20 Uniform rules for remittancesof funds. Each member state shall:
(A) Require only one remittance for each return except asprovided in this subsection. If any additional remittance is required, it mayonly be required from sellers that collect more than thirty thousand dollars insales and use taxes in the member state during the preceding calendar year asprovided herein. The state shall allow the amount of any additional remittanceto be determined through a calculation method rather than actual collections.Any additional remittances shall not require the filing of an additional return.
(B) Require, at each member state's discretion, allremittances from sellers under Models 1, 2, and 3 to be remitted electronically.
(C) Allow for electronic payments by both ACH Credit and ACHDebit.
(D) Provide an alternative method for making "same day"payments if an electronic funds transfer fails.
(E) Provide that if a due date falls on a legal bankingholiday in a member state, the taxes are due to that state on the nextsucceeding business day.
(F) Require that any data that accompanies a remittance beformatted using uniform tax type and payment type codes approved by thegoverning board.